Add and Manage Program Dashboards

For close monitoring of each program, Eclipse users are offered 2 main pre-configured program dashboards: Risks & Issues and Program Status. Besides, they can create any new dashboard as per their business needs. They can edit, delete and configure the panels of the dashboards they created. Moreover, they can view any panel of any dashboard (system or non-system) in a separate full screen or export it to a different file format.

To view any of the dashboards

  1. At the upper-right corner of the program workspace, click Program Menu.
    A drop-down menu is displayed.

  1. From the displayed menu, click Dashboards.
    The Program Dashboard page opens.

  1. At the upper-right corner of the Program Dashboard page, click the button next to the Dashboard Options button.
    A drop-down list of program dashboards is displayed.

  1. Click the name of the dashboard you want to view.
    The dashboard page opens.

To open a panel in a full screen

  • At the upper-right corner of any panel, click the Toggle Fullscreen icon .

To exit the full screen

  • At the upper-right corner of the panel, click either the same Toggle Fullscreen icon or press the Esc key.


To export a panel

  1. At the upper-right corner of the panel, click the Export icon .
    The Export Data dialog box is displayed.

  1. From the Format drop-down list, select the required file format.
  2. In case of list or portfolio summary panels, from the Rows drop-down list, select whether you want to export all the list rows or the visible ones (those appearing on the current page) only.

  1. Click OK.
    The exported file is downloaded automatically to your machine.

To refresh a panel and reflect any changes made

  • At the upper-right corner of any panel, click the Refresh Panel icon .


To create a new program dashboard

  1. At the upper-right corner of the Program Dashboard page, click the Dashboard Options button.
    A drop-down list of actions is displayed.

  1. Click Create Dashboard.
    The New Dashboard dialog box is displayed.

  1. Refer to the Create a New Dashboard article under Dashboards to proceed with the creation process of the new program dashboard.
  2. Once created, the dashboard name appears among the list of dashboards found at the upper-right-corner of the Program Dashboard page.

Note: Users cannot edit or delete any of the pre-configured (system) program dashboards. However, they have full control over the dashboards they created themselves.
For more information on how to manage created dashboards, please refer to the articles under Dashboards.